Wednesday, October 7, 2015

It's Official

I had my exit interview this morning. It's official - I am no longer an employee at the worst company ever. Part of me didn't believe this day would ever come. I will never have to deal with the drama of office politics or the veiled harassment of my boss. But I do hope that I'm kept in the loop by employees who are still there, because it's a good soap opera now that I'm on the outside.

I thought the exit interview would only last 30 minutes and I would be able to take some time to myself and read at the delicious Top Pot Doughnuts down the street. However, when the HR specialist asked me if I had anything I wanted to say I surprised myself by having a LOT to say. Obviously, I've been miserable there and there were specific reasons for that, but even I surprised myself with all that I had to say once I was given permission to complain. Hopefully it is now all out of my system and I can move on and focus all attention on Cooper. Time to truly move forward to this new phase of my life. Bring it on!

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

It Was Time For a Change

I have decided after about an eight year break of not blogging I am jumping back in to the fire. I am not sure what this blog will be, but I'm just going to start using it as a creative outlet and say whatever I feel like saying that day.

I recently quit my full time job as a senior accountant to be a stay at home mom. It has been a big change for me and I know there will be a lot of adjusting. I have always found a lot of my self worth from my job and how well I do in my career so taking that part of me away is tough. At the end of the day I think it will be good for me to get more confidence from within as opposed to outside myself.

I think part of the purpose of this blog will be for me to document this journey (how corny does that sound?!). On the other hand I think I will also post about silly things like what silly things my toddler does, how my pregnancy is going (yes, I have a second on the way), and clothes I wish I could buy. Maybe I won't even have time to blog, but at this moment while the Coopster is taking a nap and I'm lounging around watching Keeping Up with the Kardashians I felt like getting this off the ground and seeing where it went.